Xpo Company Bio

homeIn 2010, four like-minded Chicagoans, Paul Hussey, Brad Miranda, Robert Babineau and Jay Blasco united to form a partnership that combined their collective expertise in sales, marketing, operations management and customer service in the tradeshow logistics industry …and XpoSolutions was born. The team’s operation originally started out in Robert’s basement where the founding members worked around the clock to perfect what is now XpoSolutions. That very cold winter of 2010 will always be remembered in fondness by the team because they knew their hard work was paying off and would eventually lead to a nice heated office where they now reside with their ever-expanding Xpo team.

The four partners live in the Chicagoland area with their wives and families while running this fast growing company with the love and dedication needed to make XpoSolutions a success. They have taken the experience they gained in the shipping industry prior to XpoSolutions and have implemented the traits they wish to emulate while improving upon the deficiencies of past workplaces coming up with something entirely their own.

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