- On the last day of your show, be sure to ask for the show decorator’s straight Bill of Lading (Material Handling Agreement) and write in “XpoSolutions” as your carrier.
- The straight Bill of Lading (Material Handling Agreement) is obtained from the show’s General Contractor at their service desk.
- Attach the Xpo Shipping Labels on each piece you are shipping. Leave all pieces in your booth.
- Hand the completed Bill of Lading into the Show Decorator’s service desk at the end of the show. This will ensure that XpoSolutions handles your outbound shipment. Do NOT leave your BOL at your booth.
- If you have ANY questions regarding outbound shipping procedures from the show, please call us at 866.371.0007 ext 1. We will be more than happy to assist you. Thanks for using XpoSolutions Transportation
Xpo Return Shipping Procedures

Phone: 866.371.0007
Email: Sales@myxpos.com